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Friday, July 23, 2010

Is love really blind?

This particular blog is going to be off from the usual fashion talk. There are something I wanna speak about. So tune in next blog for the fashion talk. I wanna expand on the cliche, "love is blind." We all have heard it but does it really have merit? Is there some hidden truth to that statement? Let's explore....

Does this cliche imply that we are blind and impervious to the true meaning of love? Or does it state that we
allow feelings to override our intellectual fortitude to think rationally. When do we realize that love is not just a feeling? But it is a mixture of senses. Love can be seen, felt, and heard. But when that mixture is screwed up, that love is now called infatuation. Infatuation is extravagant admiration that causes lack of sound judgement. So if infatuation is extravagant it can be seen right?

Withal said, love is not blind. But in fact, infatuation is. Love is affection, a feeling, an emotion, an act. So if you really love someone you are sharing senses. And the other persons knows it. If you are in love now, you know it. Cherish those whom you can truly say you are in love with. We all can share that Godly love for another but other than God himself there should only be one whom we are in love with. Love is not blind only the one who is infatuated is.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmmm.... Interesting, but consider this: Why does saying that "love is blind" have to be a bad thing? Think of about the blind. Blind people have heightened senses. Because they are blind and do not rely on sight they have a keener sense of smell, hearing and touch. I know the post is about emotions not people, but imagine what love would be like if we weren't able to see someone's physical beauty. What if in your darkness the factors determining whether or not you fall in love were driven by the over stimulation of your senses and nerve endings. That stimulation caused by the sound of a person's voice, their touch, and smell. Blind love can cause you to appreciate the simple things about your partner and may help you to love past one's flaws. The sound of them breathing, the pitch of their voice, their laugh and even their smile (yes, their smile). It makes blind love sound deeper, sweeter, more solid, which can't possibly be a bad thing. My comment may seem corny, but it's just a thought...
