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Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Coming Non-Profit !!!

I am in the process of starting a non-profit. Our organization name will be TIM2, Inc. Our mission is to improve the overall appearance of the male gender through education and empowerment. We want to encourage our youth and men to change thier sagg with SWAG. We have adopted the acronym S.W.A.G. to mean Stylishly, Well-dressed, Ambitious Gentlemen. We want to educate on how to dress to impress. Most don't realize that it only takes 30 seconds for another to form a first impression. And in that impression one has been judged on character, trustworthiness, education, etc.

Our youth and young adults may not know the SAG mentality was born and brought from the prison system. It was there where inmates were given pants without belts because belts could be used as weapons and as a tool for suicide. We want to provide celebrities, business moguls, influential role models to help us empower the saggin' youth and young men to pay more attention to thier appearance.

Through seminars, speeches and how-to information sessions, I will be traveling the country to churches, schools, businesses and civic organizations to compel men to improve thier image. I will be also hold how-to sessions on how to tie neckties, bowties and ascots. I will be teaching proper ways to measure and how-to wear clothing properly. There are other things we will incorporate into our program that are too long to list here. Stay tuned and I hope you will support our cause!!

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