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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Custom vs. Off the Rack

I just read a blog by a custom clothier that was very good for the most part. But there were some biased opinions that I would like to speak on. First allow me to say that I respect this clothier and his work, but disagree on some points in his blog. As a business owner and a custom clothier, I can understand his need to sway away from off the rack clothing.

In his opinion, if you are going to be a big dog you should definitely wear custom. I agree in a sense. There is nothing like the custom made suit or shirt. It is tailored specifically for you. The feel is awesome and you have a plethora of choices. So I agree. But what I disagree about is, everyone cannot afford the expensive look of a custom suit or shirt. Tailors get the same material as large manufacturers for cheap prices and sell  higher for labor. The only difference to me is manufacturers mass produce. Custom tailors just produce. A custom clothier has the skills and trade to produce a suit or shirt of your choice any way you like. So you are paying for their skills and labor. Which are well worth it if you can afford it.

Off the rack suits are budget friendly and you can look just as good. You can take an off the rack suit and have it custom fit for far less than having the suit made by a custom tailor. Off  the rack suits are what custom clothiers call the "Poor Man's Custom." In my opinion, if you can afford a custom shirt or suit..get it. But consider this note. What happens to that $1500-$2000 suit when you gain or lose weight? It sits in the same closet as the off the rack suits you used to wear. Sure, you can take it back to the tailor and have it re-tailored but I'm sure there is some cost.

So to answer the question, Custom vs. Off the Rack? To me depends strictly on the size of your wallet. It's a personal preference. I can give valuable insight on both because they both are beneficial to someone. But whatever you choose, make sure you look good. Tailor your off the rack suit to look custom. If you purchase custom, make sure your clothier has agreed to re-tailor that suit. As always..." A well dressed man is more confident, a confident man is more productive.'

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